We are sending this message to reach out to you because your health and safety is of utmost importance to all of us. So, during this health-related crisis, we hope and trust you will stay in good health and the situation will normalize in the near future.
As we value our relationships, we want to make sure to protect you and our relationships with our Firm. We share the following:
- Rest assured, as of now, we are open for business as usual. We are conducting our business as always, unless and until we get any government directives to do otherwise.
- Should any changes need to be implemented, be assured we are able to continue to conduct business and communicate with you and address your needs or transactions remotely and seamlessly.
- We are able to communicate with you efficiently through the same norms we have been utilizing to date, whether by telephone at 717-299-7342 or email directly with your contact person at the Firm. If you are not able to communicate with that individual, as an alternative, send your email to [email protected] and copy to [email protected]. Similarly, any scheduling-related matter should be directed to the same individuals. Any financial related matter is to be directed to our Financial Administrator at 717-464-5900 or [email protected].
- If when you call, you are prompted to a voicemail recording option, please leave a voicemail message; do not simply hang up and redial. Leave your message and we will respond to you as promptly as possible.
- If you have a current court-related hearing or arbitration or mediation or trial or a deposition, be assured we will use our best efforts to provide YOU with up to date information. We will get the message to YOU as to postponements, cancellations, change of venue, or change in the handling a particular matter; ie. via telephone as opposed to “in person” appearances. Rest assured we are being vigilant in addressing your case and your needs. Trust us.
- We can tell you this, as of now: the domestic relations support conferences** will be conducted by telephone. As a client, you can come to our office at 128 North Lime Street, Lancaster, and participate OR we can make arrangements for you to participate by telephone; you tell us your preference. Your preference should be communicated to our primary scheduler, Katrena, at [email protected], in addition to notifying your Attorney. This is as of this writing, but subject to change of course. We will timely notify you of changes.
- We will provide you with client alerts electronically. If you are not already connected to us through one of the social networking platforms, this may be the time to do so. Follow us on Facebook, connect with our Website at [go to our News drop down Section] or via Constant Contact emails we send out. Please email your address to us if you are not already in our Constant Contact data base. Email to: [email protected] and you will be added to our Constant Contact master data base to receive such information and future legal related posts and blogs.
- ** From the Domestic Relations Website: Lancaster County DRS is focused on safeguarding our community and we are taking proactive measures to act with an abundance of caution in the face of the COVID-19/Coronavirus situation. Our operational environment is changing rapidly and is influencing every decision. To minimize this risk, we have temporarily changed our face-to-face procedures and are conducting as much business as possible by phone, email etc. Please do not physically appear in the Domestic Relations Office until further notice. All communication should be via email or by phone. All upcoming conferences will be conducted by phone.
9. From Cheryl Steberger, Warden at the Lancaster County Prison: Effective immediately (March 16, 2020), all persons entering the prison must submit to a temperature check. If the temp reading is 100 degrees or over you will not be permitted in the building. Legal visits will continue, however to limit inmate movement, they will take place in the housing area’s counseling room. All other prison programming, to include inmate visitation, has been temporarily suspended. We will be using video conferencing to its fullest capacity. As always, I appreciate your cooperation and patience as we go through these unchartered days. Prison administration will continue to reassess the situation as circumstances develop.
Thank you for your attention and courtesies extended during these uncertain and challenging times.
Gabriella H. Farhat,